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Lake Erie and Central Railway Reporting mark: LEN

The Lake Erie & Northern Railway (LE&N) was a small interurban electric railway that serviced the area from Brantford to Galt in southwest Ontario. The railway was built to meet the needs of industry, farmers and passengers who required a more direct connection to the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) main line.

Construction began in May 1913. In 1914, the railway was taken over by the CPR who completed construction by early 1916. The 51-mile railway linked the communities of Galt, Brantford, Simcoe and Port Dover. In 1917 the CPR struck a deal with the Grand Trunk Railway (GTR) to use a half mile section of their track leading to the GTR's terminal in Port Dover.

In 1931 the CPR formed the Canadian Pacific Electric Lines (CEPL) and merged the LE&N and the Grand River Railway (GRNR) under this new organization. Both lines continued to operate as separate entities and retain their own reporting marks. Major work and refurbishment was carried out in the GRR shops in Preston.

The railway was well planned. At its height, the LE&N had interchange connections to both major railways, the CPR and Canadian National Railway, as well as the GRR, Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo Railway and the Michigan Central Railroad (later New York Central).

Passenger service on the LE&N lasted until 1955. Freight transportation on the electric line lasted until 1961 when it was converted to diesel.